District Attorney Summer Stephan Truly Making a Difference in San Diego

Though corruption may still run rampant in Sacramento, many local officials have had an incredibly successful year working to better the lives of Californians, and it’s important to spotlight their accomplishments.

San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan is by far one of the best and the brightest elected officials in San Diego. Elected District Attorney just this year, she’s focused on the pursuit of equal justice for all through ethical prosecution, protection of victims, and prevention of crime. Stephan chose to pull away from partisan politics and political influence in order to focus entirely on delivering justice, proving her dedication to the job.

Photo by Ron Mader via Flickr

She worked with her team to develop the Blueprint for Mental Health Reform, hoping to address the intersection between mental health, homelessness, and criminal justice in the region. The plan started numerous initiatives, such as creating urgent care mental health centers or “crisis units” and implementing de-escalation training for dispatchers.

With regard to more serious criminal justice issues, Stephan prioritized solving cold case homicide and sexual assault cases, as well as delivering justice to victims. She also understood the importance of helping alleviate the overcrowded California prison system correctly. Under her supervision, a new DA diversion initiative was implemented to offer second chances for non-violent and first-time offenders. The results of this initiative were carefully measured, resulting in a low recidivism rate of just three percent.

Stephan and her team should be incredibly proud of all they’ve done this year. It’s such a sight for sore eyes to see a nonpartisan District Attorney working for the good of the people, and putting justice before politics. Her successes will carry on—not only throughout the holiday season, but for years to come.