Seven San Diego Liberals Hide Behind Their “Law Professor” Titles to Launch Partisan Attack on President Trump

A group of seven San Diego law professors recently backed a supposedly unbiased open letter stating that President Trump had engaged in impeachable conduct, a shocking display of partisan hackery hidden behind their “Law Professor” titles. 

All seven lawyers are partisan liberals—a piece of crucial information excluded from the original article written by Ken Stone. Biased reporting is causing problems left and right, and Stone’s exclusion of the facts clearly demonstrates that he’s fully willing to omit inconvenient truths from articles to bolster his own narrative. 

Bias and fake news set aside, it’s clear that there could easily be a personal motive for their support of this letter, as it’s no secret that the vast majority of Democrats are calling for impeachment.

These individuals are supposed to be teaching their students about the law, and an intimate understanding of the law should include an examination of the partisan politics that can fuel it. It’s essential for all instructors to teach their students in a nonpartisan manner. In doing so, they help students form their own opinions on the issues that matter, rather than swaying their views towards one side or another.

The fact that this group of law professors publically sided against President Trump demonstrates a dangerous precedent for their students—that is, partisan hackery in the legal profession. It is absolutely inappropriate for anyone claiming to be a law professor to be publically taking sides in a case this severe.

True, a lawyer could take sides (as that is their job), but a law professor has an obligation to his students to teach them in an objective, nonpartisan manner by discussing the ramifications of such a situation and presenting both arguments in a fair and balanced light, not stating what they believe is the “correct” outcome. 

Opening up the conversation and letting both sides have their say is the way that issues as crucial as impeachment ought to be handled, but with political tensions at an all time high, attempts at such an approach might be futile.

As such, it’s absolutely inappropriate for thsese professors to take sides and claim that President Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct. This sets a terrible precedent for their students, and demonstrates that they’re letting their own personal politics get in the way of their commitment to education.