Border Patrol Detains 34 Illegal Smugglers in Two Days

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

In yet another example of the need for heightened border security, Border Patrol recently arrested 34 more smugglers. This is coming in the midst of increasingly frequent attempts to enter the country by sea.

The first incident involved a suspicious boat entering U.S. waters at 11:15 am. The Department of Homeland Security intercepted it and found 21 people between the ages of 19 and 59. There were four smugglers—two identified as U.S. citizens—and 17 Mexican immigrants.

The second incident was at midnight on Monday morning. A plane spotted a boat 13 miles west of San Clemente. The Coast Guard responded to the situation and caught 13 of the 14 passengers that had fled from the boat on foot. Notably, two were Chinese while 11 were Mexican.

U.S. Customs and Border Protections has stated that the increase in maritime smuggling attempts is directly related to the retrofitting of sections of the border wall in San Diego.

In other words, the wall is working as intended, providing a significant obstacle to criminals attempting to enter the country and forcing them to use other means. This is direct proof that what the left has been saying about the wall is incorrect and thus far, it’s working quite well.


Featured Photo by Raymond Wambsgans via Flickr