Border Patrol Agents Rescue Trapped Migrants, Destroying Democratic Talking Point

Border Patrol agents recently put their lives on the line to rescue nearly two dozen migrants trapped in drainage tubes near the Tijuana River as Thanksgiving storms flooded the tunnels. All of the rescued were attempting to enter the United States illegally.

This certainly wasn’t the first time that Border Patrol agents have rescued immigrants attempting to enter the country, as there have been thousands of cases over the course of the year.

Immigration enforcement agencies have long suffered from limited funds and resources due to Democratic interests colliding with the call for increased security. Such a conflict has led to the refusal of vital supplies for a safe border, and only put more migrant lives at stake. Smugglers continue to disregard danger and place emphasis on profit rather than the safety of the migrants they traffick, causing situations such as the one that arose in the drainage tubes to become a frequent concern.

On top of slim financial pickings, Border Patrol also has been forced to cope with a distorted image due to hyperpartisan interests taking over the world of politics. Though the majority of agents are Hispanic, they’ve been branded as racists simply to garner hate off of the identity politics bandwagon. The immigration processing facilities, which allow prospective immigrants to return home at their own discretion, have been spun into “concentration camps.”

Nevertheless, Border Patrol has continued to work on enforcing the border both ethically and effectively. In a world where the agents are mercilessly slammed by the mainstream media and Democrats, these actions of selflessness truly demonstrate the character of the men and women working these jobs.