Democrats Sit Idly By while the Border Crisis Gets Worse

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

Hundreds of thousands of migrants are overrunning U.S. Customs in what is looking to be the worst year for illegal immigration on record. As a result of this, customs officials are being forced to provide services that were never required in years past.

Thanks to far-left policies regarding obstruction of border defense funding, it is having dire consequences both for America and the migrants that have been detained.

The border crisis just had its worst year in history, nearly doubling that of fiscal year 2018, and this is a direct result of leftist policy regarding immigration. The virtue signaling of Democratic politicians in the ivory towers of San Francisco and Washington D.C. may seem like mere words to them, but calls to abolish ICE and the five-month-long obstruction between when President Trump called a national emergency and when he finally received funding has had severe consequences for immigration enforcement.

As a result of this crisis, even the immigrants are worse off. Due to the sheer number of immigrants entering the United States, manpower is stretched thin and border officials are now doing jobs that were once handled by other units. One example of this is initial asylum screening.

Previously, 80 percent of migrants would be initially approved, but now less than half are being approved. Democratic policy is even hurting the people they sought to “protect.”

Border agents are being overwhelmed by a wave of migrants, the likes of which have never been seen before. When writing in his journal, one agent described it as a “scene from a zombie apocalypse movie.”

There is a crisis on the border and one side is not only oblivious, but hostile to the idea of ending it. With the aid coming in from the Trump administration and the drop in apprehension numbers, it looks like help has arrived. The question is, will it be too late?