Carl DeMaio to Unveil “FreedomCare Plan” for Health Care Reform

FreedomCare Plan Gives Republicans a Real Alternative to “Medicare for All” that Embraces Individual Control, Regulatory Relief, and Innovation to Reduce the Cost and Improve the Quality of Health Care

WHAT: With healthcare reform consistently ranking near the top of voters’ concerns, and with Democrats running on the “Medicare for All” plan for a wholesale government takeover of health care, Carl DeMaio believes Republicans should have a bold health care reform plan of their own. DeMaio will put action to words by releasing a detailed and comprehensive health care reform plan he calls “FreedomCare.”

The FreedomCare plan is bold, detailed, and comprehensive and would serve as a Republican “Repeal and Replace” alternative to the failed ObamaCare program. Among the reforms DeMaio is proposing:

  • FreedomCare Network: Create a national network of health care providers that could operate outside of the stringent and costly regulations and mandates that are driving costs up. In exchange for regulatory relief, providers would negotiate the lowest possible rates for their services.
  • FreedomCare Accounts: Individuals would make tax-free contributions to a Health Savings Account and would control their health care dollars. Individuals, with input from their health care providers, would decide what services to purchase and could pay a la cart or bundled rates.
  • Share-in-Savings Incentives: Health care providers both in the FreedomCare network and in Medicaid would be paid based on performance and be eligible for Share-in-Savings bonuses for achieving health outcomes versus being reimbursed for individual services.
  • Technology & Innovation: Treatment innovations would be more readily available and medical records and health care transactions would be handled through a Freedom Care tech portal modeled after popular sharing apps.
  • Transparency & Accountability: All health care pricing would be transparent and patients would rate their health care providers with scores made public.
  • Put Congress into the VA System: To force accountability for improving health care for veterans, Members of Congress would be forced to receive their own health care from the VA system.

When: Monday, Nov 18: Plan release at 10am at

DeMaio to hold Town Hall with voters to present the plan at 6:30pm

Who: Carl DeMaio, Congressional Candidate CA-50 District

Where: Town Hall at the Lakeside Community Center, 9841 Vine St, Lakeside, CA 92040

Why: “Everyone agrees the health care system is in crisis where people cannot afford the quality of care they need. While Democrats have a bunch of big government ideas for health care reform, but Republicans haven’t offered their own alternative plan yet. I’m proposing the FreedomCare Plan for health care reform because I believe government has been the cause, not the remedy to what ails our health care system.” – Carl DeMaio

About Carl DeMaio:

At a time when too many politicians cave in on their principles or merely pay lip-service to their constituents, Carl DeMaio is a fighter who takes action for what he believes in. A successful businessman, DeMaio founded his first company by age 24, his second by age 29, and sold both by age 33. Since then, he has hosted a popular news/talk radio show on NewsRadio 600 KOGO, and founded Reform California – a grassroots campaign advocacy organization for government accountability and has blocked over $3 billion in tax hikes.

Now Carl DeMaio is running for U.S. Congress with a plan to shake it up by advancing a bold, fresh Reform Agenda and recruiting other principled reformers to run for office.

For more information on DeMaio’s candidacy, visit