Setting a Bad Precedent, Honoring our Heroes, Kids Ask Funniest Questions

Happy Veterans Day

It is with sincere gratitude that I say thank you to every man and woman who has served our country. Your sacrifice helped preserve the freedom we enjoy today. I will be forever thankful.

Can Disagree on Policy, Not on Democracy

A sad and disappointing about-face for the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. At the October 29th Board Meeting, we opted not to spend almost a million dollars on 4 proposed satellite voting centers.  As this item included additional appropriations, it needed 4 votes.  Not liking this outcome, Chairwoman Jacob scheduled an emergency meeting to vote on the same issue, again. Only this time they miraculously found the money and only needed 3 votes. I was never consulted about my availability to attend this special meeting.

Apparently, when you can’t count to 4, you simply change the rules and count to 3 instead. Ironically, an item about voting was brought forward by ignoring a vote! Watch my comments here:

Honoring Those Who Support Our Troops

This year’s North County San Diego Military and Veterans Summit honored “Hidden Heroes”, family members and loved ones who serve as caregivers for our veterans. These selfless folks are critical to ensuring our veterans have the quality care they need and deserve. Let’s not forget, providing that kind of care can be isolating and take a mental and physical toll. Fortunately, there are military resource centers throughout the county dedicated to assisting with health, employment, and housing issues.  Click here for more information:  Caregiver SupportHidden Heroes.

Thank you to those who attended our Summit. While you are indeed doing heroic things to support your families, you are definitely not hidden.

Mentoring Summit Home Run!

If you’ve ever had a mentor, you understand how much of an impact they can have. Especially for kids and teens caught up in the juvenile justice system. Making yourself available as a trusted adviser to someone in need can be a crucial turning point in that person’s life. So it was exciting to see so many passionate people at this year’s Community Mentor Summit. It is through their hard work that young lives are transformed and redirected toward a path with purpose and hope.

Safe Haven for Survivors

The Alabaster Jar Project is a safe haven for women who have been affected by human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Survivors are restored, rehabilitated and helped with finding employment. This leads to true empowerment. In the last 5 years Alabaster has served nearly 300 women. I am so proud to support this program. Thank you for inviting me to be part of your celebration.

Expect the Unexpected

I was so impressed with all of the 4th graders at Creekside Elementary School! The students were surprised to hear much of their daily lives are impacted by local government. Not only were they respectful and great listeners, they had some really impressive questions. My favorite though, “How old are you?”