Volunteer Cleanup Initiative Removes 24,000 Pounds of Trash from the San Diego River

Volunteers in San Diego cleaned up over 24,000 pounds of trash from the San Diego River on Oct. 26. Most of the accumulated trash in the river was a result of homeless encampments and stormwater debris, according to the San Diego River Park Foundation.

The San Diego Park Foundation, along with several other San Diego volunteers, dedicated over 1,200 hours of service to remove trash from over 20.5 miles of the San Diego River.

By teaming up with local organizations, the people of San Diego were able to take initiative to help solve a major environmental issue affecting the region. San Diego volunteers were able to clean up the pollution in the river without the help of the government, demonstrating the capability of San Diego residents to solve their own local problems without government coercion.

Although most of the trash accumulated in the San Diego River was a result of homelessness, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer has reduced the severity of homelessness in San Diego.

The San Diego Park Foundation will continue to host cleanups throughout the year for the San Diego River in order to maintain the crucial progress that has already been made.