Rachel Maddow Asks Judge to Dismiss Case over Her Defamation of One America News Network

Written by Nicholas Vetrisek

After defaming One America News and later being sued for it, MSNBC host and conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow and her team of top lawyers are now asking a San Diego judge to dismiss the lawsuit.

What did Rachel Maddow do to deserve this lawsuit? She simply called OAN “Russian Propaganda” on her show, which broadcasts to millions of people every night. Somehow, she fails to see the problem with this.

This entire controversy stems from the fact that a journalist for the network, Kristian Rouz, also writes articles for the Russian government-funded news network Sputnik. Maddow labeled an entire network as Russian propaganda in front of millions because one journalist, who also writes for Sputnik, has only contributed 40 articles, with just three directly mentioning Russia.

Maddow’s defense, of course, is that she was only using “colorful rhetorical hyperbole,” which is clearly lawyerspeak for saying something inflammatory and negligent but not being willing to stand by it.

According to Skip Miller, the lawyer for OAN’s Owner Robert Herring, the network is “wholly owned, operated and financed by the Herring family in San Diego. They are as American as apple pie. They are not paid by Russia and have nothing to do with the Russian government.”

It’s a lovely thought that the network that is “American as apple pie” can win this case, but it is doubtful that they can truly take down the corporate giant they are up against.

MSNBC is one of the few major news sources in America with what may as well be infinite finances behind them and Rachel Maddow is the darling of the leftist media intelligentsia. As a result of this, Maddow has the most high-powered legal team money can buy with members including a former law clerk for a Supreme Court justice and one lawyer who successfully defended NBC in a case with far more than $10 million on the line.

This is an uphill battle, but that is not to say that it is lost. Perhaps justice will prevail and OAN will be one of the first to successfully win against leftist media liars. This is a case that Republicans everywhere should be supporting, particularly those in San Diego.