Lorena Gonzalez Against the American Dream

Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez aims to hurt the middle class even further with her latest legislation, Assembly Bill 5. This bill is set to limit the already restricted field of independent contractors and hurts those who are looking to subsidize their personal income.

Gonzalez seems to be misinformed on what’s actually hurting the citizens of California and targets “big business” but failed to include actual big businesses in her law. Multiple lobbyists have been able to shape the bill to include some exemptions for their respected industries. Those include insurance agents, some health care professionals, stockbrokers, real estate agents, and hairstylists.

Uber and Lyft have voiced their distaste for the bill saying “Lyft strongly opposes AB 5, which would force ride-sharing drivers into shift work, eliminating the control drivers currently have over their own schedules.”

California has one of the highest costs of living in the country and many families are looking for more forms of income with the ability to work around their already full schedules. Why are we punishing those looking to make more money for their families?

Gonzalez says she’s targeting large companies but the complaints regarding AB 5 are coming from everyday citizens. Being an independent contractor allows the freedom for parents to pick their own schedule and be able to work multiple jobs while having time for their children. But this bill takes that chance away from them.

Lorena Gonzalez must have never had to work and raise a family to think this was a good idea. For a woman who earns $104,118 a year and allowed $183 a day per diem, we see why she thought this bill was a good idea.

Assemblywoman Gonzalez-Fletcher is out of touch on what it’s like to actually be a California citizen and it shows in her policy-making. She has again taken the side of hurting the people just to promote her political agenda, an action we have become too far accustomed to with her as a representative.

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