California Democrats Refuse to be Honest with Statewide Ballot Initiatives

Once again, California has failed to give its citizens the complete truth. In order to advance their agenda, Democrats have resorted to unequal and distorted explanations of ballot measures.

As articulated in the California Constitution, ballot measures need a concise and official summary to be submitted to the attorney general for review. One would think that something as simple and mundane as measure explanations would be safe from political schemes and tactics, but Democrats have now pervaded their influence into the area.

Ballots that are left-leaning in nature, especially those involving unions, receive well-worded and detailed summaries while right-leaning ideas only receive two sentences—even though the designated sentences rarely capture the true motivations of the measure.

The partisanship seen by the office of California Attorney General Xavier Becerra hinders California citizens from making the most informed decision with regard to statewide ballot measures. The office of Becerra has changed summaries and titles to reflect topics of high priority among voters even if the measure only loosely relates to the topic.

Likewise, Becerra and his union allies plan to utilize their twisted ploys again to further a contentious initiative—repealing Proposition 13. The measure plans to place higher taxes on commercial properties equating to a multi-billion-dollar tax increase for citizens.

However, Becerra plans to neglect the possible repercussions the increase could have on his citizens and instead, prey on their genuine desire to improve education to push their measure forward. Yet again, another Democrat highlights the consistent party-wide trend of corruption and partisanship.

Based on the recent behavior of Becerra and his union allies, the concept of democracy holds zero weight for them. They are willing to lie to their citizens just to further their radical and ineffective initiatives. Based on the current trajectory, party power holds more significance than the truth for Democrats. But we really shouldn’t be surprised as Democrats have never liked the truth anyway.