Senate Republican Leader Grove Reacts to Resignation of Senator Jeff Stone

SACRAMENTO – Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) issued the following statement after the announcement that Senator Jeff Stone (R-Riverside County) has been appointed as the Western Regional Director for the United States Department of Labor. Senator Stone will resign from the California State Senate on Friday, November 1:

“I am saddened to share today that the Senate Republican Caucus will be losing one of our most passionate Republican members. Senator Stone has represented the constituents of the 28th Senate District well. He has been a champion for small business and a strong economy as a means of lifting people out of poverty. With his history of fighting for the little guy who desires worker freedom against big labor, this new opportunity is a great fit for Senator Stone. I am confident that he will continue to fight for hard-working Americans in his new capacity.

“I want to congratulate Senator Stone for the tireless work that he’s done faithfully serving his constituents. I am certain that he will make a positive difference for job creators and families in his new position, and I wish him well,” said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove.

Senator Stone has a long career in public service. He was first elected to the Temecula City Council and then served as a Riverside County Board of Supervisor. He was elected in 2014 and again in 2018 to represent California’s 28th Senate District.