Pick Justice Action Launches Six-Figure Campaign “Call-To-Arms” In Support Of Farmworker Rights

California– Today, Pick Justice Action, an organization of concerned citizens who support the rights of farmworkers, launched a six-figure ad buy in California Assembly District 80, represented by Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher. She is the first target in a list of anti-farmworker legislators who will be subjected to six-figure media expenditures meant to generate civic action amongst their base of supporters and other civically engaged constituents. These record off-year expenditures will utilize a mix of television, radio, digital, and print to expose these legislators’ anti-worker biases and call-to-arms those who are willing to stand up for basic human and American worker rights. The initial campaigns will continue indefinitely, with additional funds added to the initial six-figures over time, until basic worker rights are afforded to the hard-working immigrants whose blood, sweat, and tears hold up California’s economy.

“For far too long Democrat Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher has prioritized labor union bosses over the workers she pretends to represent,” said Pick Justice Spokesperson Jesse Rojas. “In one instance, she sided with the United Farm Worker union leaders who disappeared from a farm for two decades and came back demanding three percent of the workers’ weekly pay. She also opposed commonsense legislation in the Assembly that would have provided farm workers with the same rights as the staffers at the Agricultural Labor Relations Board and most every other worker in the state.”

Rojas continued: “Now, with Assembly Bill 5, Gonzalez Fletcher has carved out a few exceptions for some of the most politically connected corporations and industries: the medical and insurance fields, financial advisors and direct sellers like Herbalife, Avon, and Mary Kay Cosmetics—just to name a few.”

“Our efforts will provide transparency about Assemblywoman Gonzalez Fletcher’s record of hypocrisy, lack of support for farm workers, and will serve as a warning to other members of the legislature that hard-working immigrant workers will not settle for all talk and no action.”

Click here to WATCH the initial TV spot, and here to LISTEN to its accompanying radio ad.