Brian Maryott Tied with Mike Levin, According to New Poll

Republican Challenger is Neck and Neck with Freshman Democratic Incumbent

CARLSBAD, Calif. — The race for the 49th Congressional District is a statistical dead heat, according to a recent poll from Remington Research Group. In two head-to-head ballots between Republican Brian Maryott and Democrat Mike Levin. Both the first and second ballot produced tied results of 43% Maryott to 43% Levin, and 44% Maryott to 44% Levin, respectively.

“The data show that California’s 49th Congressional District will be extremely competitive in 2020,” said Titus Bond, President of Remington Research Group. “The Democratic incumbent has been unable to build a strong brand in the district. That fact combined with the competitive environment, leaves a wide open door for a strong challenge from Brian Maryott.”

Independent respondents further indicated they would consider voting for the Republican candidate, over Mike Levin, by an 8-point margin. The poll underscores the advantageous position of Maryott in his race for Congress. The district is poised to be one of the closest congressional races in the country, as support for Rep. Levin appears largely diminished merely one year after he defeated Diane Harkey by a margin of 13 points.

“This latest poll spells impending political disaster for Mike Levin. Voters are disturbed by Levin’s documented record of extreme left partisanship in Congress, and they’re revolting against his out of touch stances and lack of solutions. Clearly, Brian Maryott is stronger than ever and building substantial support for his common sense approach and solutions-based campaign,” said Richard Hernandez, Campaign Manager at Maryott for Congress. 

A total of 690 likely General Election voters completed the survey, which was conducted October 16-17, 2019. The Margin of Error is +/-3.7%.

The poll from Remington Research Group is accessible here.