Meals on Wheels Launches Halloween-Spirited Campaign to “Scare Away Hunger”

The Meals on Wheels organization launched a new campaign this month called “Scare Away Hunger,” perfect for the October and Halloween spirit. With this program, Meals on Wheels hopes that they can raise $25,000, which would feed over 3,000 homebound seniors. 

The “Scare Away Hunger” campaign asks the public for a donation of at least $7 to reach their goal. This small donation from one person would feed at least one senior in San Diego and with enough donations, they can feed hundreds of citizens a day.

The President and CEO of San Diego’s Meals on Wheels branch, Debbie Case, commented on the launching of their new campaign, explaining that “Meals on Wheels delivers healthy food but most importantly, it is more than a meal – it is supporting the whole person in their needs.”

Case also addressed the nonprofit’s budget. The organization relies on the public for over half of the annual budget, averaging at $2.8 million from public donations.

Meals on Wheels’ main goal is to find solutions to American’s rising problems of hunger as people get older. Food insecurity for seniors in California has become alarming in the last decade as 40 percent of seniors that enter the hospital need to be treated for malnutrition.

Case continued to explain the organization’s purpose, expressing, “We also fight the isolation homebound seniors face every day…we are their lifeline. People think that seniors do not need as much social contact or that they need less food due to inactivity. Both are not true. The need for human interaction is critical to the well-being of a person at any age.”

Meals on Wheels is one of the many great organizations in San Diego fighting the issues that are less talked about in higher levels of other organizations. To help, the public can donate $7 to feed a senior for one day or $217 to feed a senior for one whole month for Meals on Wheels’ “Scare Away Hunger” campaign.