A Last Ineffective Push for President from Kamala Harris

As the presidential campaign has progressed, the country has expressed its utter lack of support for presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). Moreover, her own home state has echoed the sentiment given her latest performance in the polls.

Everyone seems to be on the same page with regard to Harris’ campaign—except Kamala Harris herself. Choosing to ignore the public’s opinion, Harris will be traveling to Iowa in an attempt to bolster her failing campaign.

The state of Iowa holds great significance in the presidential race because it is the first state to enter ballots for the 2020 Democratic primary. Due to the significance, Harris intends to substantially increase her presence in the state. However, her real motivation behind traveling to Iowa is due to her incapability to gain any momentum in other powerful states like South Carolina and New Hampshire.

 Despite her optimism and ambition, Sen. Harris will inevitably face a similar negative result in Iowa. Since last summer, the state has already expressed their skepticism and disdain for her. Additionally, the people of Iowa already predicted that Harris would only use Iowa for political expediency, hence their unwelcoming sentiment for her extended stay.

In an attempt to appeal to Iowa constituents, Harris made sure to highlight that her lack of time in Iowa was due to fundraising efforts for facilities in Iowa. Nonetheless, her argument will once again fall flat with the people of Iowa, resulting in yet another failure by Harris.

 Harris wants to be one of the top three finishers in Iowa, but in light of her absence and lack of support from the people of Iowa, the chances of her being in the top three are as likely as her chances to become president: zero.

Ultimately, she can relocate to any state she wants but it will not hide the fact that her campaign is dead. Sitting in sixth place, according to recent polls, Harris’ ambitions to become president have slipped right through her fingers.


Photo by Luke Harold via Flickr