Terrifying Kids

Written by Mary Anne Wentink

Last month we asked “What are we doing to our boys?” Now, after this month’s international school walkout against the threat of climate change, we must question what we are doing to all of our kids.

According to mainstream news media, the walkout was a grassroots movement started by kids and led by a young Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg. The 16-year-old is certainly the movement’s spokesman and, unlike many climate change activists, a true believer—instead of flying to the U.S., she took a sailboat—which only adds to her tragedy and that of her many school-age followers. This is a girl who truly believes and proclaims openly: it’s time to panic, the world is burning up, and she must give up any hopes of parenthood because what compassionate parent would bear any children into a dying planet.

How sad. How unnecessary. How cruel!

Our kids (and many adults) are being terrified by a left-wing theological power-grab that mocks traditional religion and worships Mother Gaea to the detriment of both science and good sense.

Let’s first get one myth out of the way. Climate change is and always has been real.  The earth’s climate is always in a state of flux (day-to-day, we call it weather) and is impacted over time by many factors including mismanagement of our resources. Long before man came along, however, earth’s climate ranged from “Snowball Earth” when the planet was covered by an icepack from pole-to-pole to periods where the Earth is totally ice free. Earth and life have both somehow survived these conditions. Considering the overall paleontological record, today’s Earth is actually enjoying a relatively cool period.

While we’re at it, let’s get rid of another myth: the “established” science and “97%” of scientists who claim man-made climate change is both real and catastrophic. The so-called “hockey-stick” of global warming is based on a model, whose creator, Michael Mann, just lost a lawsuit in Canada when he refused to release his data for review by other climate scientists. This, of course, has been the complaint of many so-called “deniers.” The climate scientists who demand their right as scientists to review the data that jump-started the entire panic regarding climate change. Unless and until that data is released and reviewed, any claims based on that data are pure hyperbole with no factual scientific basis. Any “scientist” who is willing to accept and promulgate Mann’s untested claims is not a scientist, but a priest.

But this is what our kids are being taught: the Earth is dying. If we don’t “do something” within the next 10-12 years, there is no hope for them or their progeny.

What a horrifying philosophy! No wonder our kids are panicked. Their teachers teach it. Their news sources teach it. Their politicians teach it. The United Nations teaches it. Even National Geographic teaches it. And virtually anyone who would question it has been shamed into silence.

It’s time for us “deniers” to brave the shaming to protect our kids and to remind everyone that frightened children should not be used by a soulless media to promote a political philosophy that demands we forgo our individual liberties—a solution that would assure the living hell of worldwide socialism and do nothing to save the planet.