Carlsbad Former Chief of Police Gary Morrison Endorses Ray Pearson for State Assembly 76th District

Carlsbad October 10,2019: Gary Morrison, former Carlsbad Police Chief has joined Conservative Republicans, San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond, Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall, Oceanside Mayor Peter Weiss, Vista Mayor Judy Ritter, Oceanside Councilmember Jack Feller and Mayoral candidate, Tri City Hospital Board Member and former Carlsbad City Council member and CUSD Trustee Julie Nygard, OUSD Trustee Mike Blessing, San Diego County Board of Education President Paulette Donnellon and Vice President Mark Powell, former State Senator Mark Wyland and former State Assembly Candidate Phil Graha, former Oceanside City Councilmember Jerry Kern and former Carlsbad City Councilmembers Ann Kulchin, Mark Packard, Michael Schumacher and former Vista City Councilmember John Aguilera endorsing Ray Pearson for State Assembly serving the 76th Assembly District. Gary Morrison served 5 years as Carlsbad’s Police Chief with 28 years in law enforcement.

Chief Morrison said this about Ray Pearson. “I am proud and confident in making an endorsement for Ray Pearson for California State Assembly. I have known Ray for nearly ten years and have observed him to be honest and trustworthy, something we do not always see in today’s crop of politicians.

Further, Ray has a diverse background and numerous experiences that will enable him to listen and learn other’s perspectives and points-of-view; which will allow him to make solid decisions that will positively impact people’s lives.

In conclusion, Ray is the type of elected official we need now! I hope you will join me in supporting Ray for California State Assembly!”

“I am honored to have Chief Morrison’s endorsement,” Ray exclaimed and went on to say about safety in the 76th District and California. “The Democrats solutions to homeless, reclassifying crimes and decriminalizing human trafficking of minors, solicitation of murders, rape with circumstances, elder abuse is not working and our communities are less safe. Time for reform and change in Sacramento.”