New Achievement Centers for Juvenile Offenders, Keeping Pressure on SANDAG

Transitioning From Punishment to Rehabilitation

The opening of our new Achievement Centers in Escondido and Barrio Logan mark a turning point for youth who are involved in the juvenile justice system. The mission of the centers represents the fundamental shift the County is making to invest in and rehabilitate youth who are at risk for returning to Juvenile Hall. They were designed to provide teens with resources like tutors, mentors, career skills, as well as art and sports programs.

After researching several models around the country, I visited a few counties that seemed to have remarkable success rates. With the blessing of my fellow Board of Supervisors, I asked County staff to develop a new program that would help our youth meet the terms of their probation after their release from Juvenile Hall.

My friend Jack Martin from Clark County, Nevada who is a national leader in the field of juvenile justice once told me “We should be locking up the kids that scare us – not the ones who make us mad.” This really resonated with me and is the prevailing concept behind this model.
A special thank you to Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara and Police Chief Craig Carter for welcoming the center in their community. Details about Achievement Centers:

Must Keep Pressure on SANDAG

We did it! At our September 27th SANDAG meeting, the Board voted to move forward with a balanced spending plan for our transportation system. With your advocacy, our coalition was able to influence the Board to adopt a budget amendment and capital improvement program that fulfills some of the most pressing infrastructure needs across our region.

I am excited the Board agreed to follow through on the prioritization of TransNet projects including the 67, the 78 and the 52. The amended plan proposed by Poway Mayor, Steve Vaus and Escondido Mayor, Paul McNamara illustrates the balance we wanted. A large portion of the plan’s funding, 67% over the next seven years, is still dedicated to mass transportation. Our vote on the amended plan did alter the timeline of our TransNet projects, making their completion dates sooner than expected.

While this is a win, I’m cautiously optimistic about what will actually happen after this crucial vote. The planning, environmental and design phases are extensive and expensive and we must remain vigilant to ensure that SANDAG follows through with its promise to repair and improve our highways. I want to thank every one of you who shared your comments about this plan as well as our North and East County coalitions who refused to back down. We fought for what was right and it paid off! Interested in learning more? KUSI covered the meeting:

Honoring Those Who Support Our Troops

Having one of the nation’s largest populations of active duty and veteran service members living in San Diego, there’s a good chance you know someone who has served our Country. The loved ones they leave behind when deployed are just as important because they often serve as a crucial support system back home. They are our “Hidden Heroes”. And on October 22nd, we are going to honor them at the “San Diego North County Military & Veterans Forum”. If you know a Hidden Hero, I would love for you to share this with them so Supervisor Jim Desmond, the County’s Office of Military & Veterans Affairs and I can thank and honor them.

Are You Ready for an Evacuation?  

Are you ready? This is the time of year those dangerous Santa Ana winds whip through Southern California and when coupled with critically low humidity will create an increased risk for fire. The County’s Office of Emergency Services created the evacuation checklist above with some items to pre-pack should you have to leave your home quickly. They’re also asking San Diegans to do a few things to reduce the fire risk: If you haven’t registered your landline or cell phone numbers to receive emergency alerts, please do so here: