Assembly Candidate June Cutter’s #MomsForJune Event a Massive Success

Written by Emma Moutaw

Last Wednesday, 77th Assembly District candidate June Cutter hosted a “Moms for June” event. This wonderful event took place at Wee Gather, a great kid-friendly event space in Point Loma. Cutter invited moms across the 77th district to come down to socialize with her and other moms from around the area.

Moms were welcomed to bring their children as there was plenty to entertain them, including a play structure, coloring books, and babysitters. The moms could enjoy time chatting with other attendees while being served brunch-style drinks and snacks.

Cutter spoke about her plan to first defeat Assemblyman Brian Mainschien, and second—and most importantly—she laid out her plan to protect the rights of parents in California. Cutter made her goal very clear: to give parents their power back in how they raise their children and what they teach them, rather than the government getting to make those decisions.

Overall, the women seemed to love June Cutter and truly enjoyed the event. Her speech was empowering and clearly motivated the women in attendance. The moms could truly relate with June on a lot of different topics, since, like them, June is a mom raising her kids in San Diego. There was an overwhelming amount of support for June and the event was a total success.