UC San Diego Having a Massive Impact on the State and Local Economy

San Diego really is the best at everything, and college is no exception. UC San Diego recently announced that its economic impact on the state was estimated to be about $16.5 billion.

The esteemed university has contributed 75,000 jobs to San Diego County and 100,000 across the state. By all accounts, their economic success will only grow in the coming years. Projections estimate $18.8 billion in annual impact come 2023, and $12.9 billion in San Diego alone by 2032.

Apart from benefiting the state economy, UCSD continues to provide top-notch research, pouring $1.2 billion in sponsorships towards groundbreaking discoveries. They’ve defined themselves as a pioneer in medical science, marine biology, and engineering, with breakthrough impacts that can be felt worldwide. 

UCSD Chancellor Pradeep Khosla phrased it best. “In this new ‘research age,’ UC San Diego has emerged at a world-renowned scientific, medical and engineering innovation hub that is providing real solutions to some of the planet’s most challenging issues.”

One thing is for sure: UC San Diego is one of the best schools in the United States. It deserves all of the respect it gets and more—especially when it provides not only a top-notch education, but top-notch contributions to the city and state economies.


Photo by IBM Research via Flickr