San Diegans Protest Elizabeth Warren’s Visit

Written by Michael Palomba

Last Thursday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) came to visit San Diego, and while she did gather a sizeable audience, not everyone was in support. Containing everyone from high schoolers to senior citizens from many different backgrounds, a group of protestors gathered to remind Warren and her supporters that she is not who they want to see in the White House.

So, what are the issues that these protestors feel so strongly about? There are quite a few:

  • Ultra-Millionaires Tax
    Warren has been one of the most vocal advocates for taxing the rich as a way to pay for “universal childcare” and student loan debt relief.
  • Elimination of the Electoral College
    Since Democrats lost the election in 2016, many have been in strong support of abolishing the Electoral College—and Warren is no different. During one of the Democratic debates, Warren called for a national popular vote as well as restoring voting rights to felons.
  • Banning Assault Weapons
    Most of the Democratic presidential candidates have called for an assault weapons ban. This is despite the fact that, when asked, none of the candidates could define exactly what an assault weapon is.
  • Decriminalization of Border Crossing
    Warren has called for the decriminalization of border crossings. Being that San Diego borders Mexico, this is a major consideration for voters here.

Other issues for these protestors include Medicare for all (which will raise taxes exorbitantly), abortion, and Warren’s claim that she will use anti-trust laws to break up large corporations like Facebook.

Overall, the reception received by the protestors was very positive. Several media outlets covered them and many Warren supporters were eager to have discussions.