Lemon Grove’s Democratic Mayor and City Council Ruining Their City

It is no secret that San Diego Democrats have a specialty for mismanagement, but Lemon Grove Democrats, specifically, have reached an all time low with regard to their inability to manage. Due to their poor fiscal policies, there is a strong projection that Lemon Grove will have to become an unincorporated city to stay afloat.

The City of Lemon Grove is home to about 27,000 people and has been a part of the San Diego community for 42 years. However, with the current Democratic mayor and Democrat-majority City Council, Lemon Grove might be facing some harsh fiscal changes. Looking at a three-year trajectory, the city is anticipating to spend $2.4 million over its total revenue.

In order to stabilize the budget, Lemon Grove is presented with two options. One option would be a sales tax increase which would generate more revenue for the city, but reduce economic demand and increase expenditures for working families. However, Lemon Grove will likely be forced into the second option—the use of 40 percent of its fiscal reserves. The 40 percent is most likely going to increase due to the rise in pension costs dwindling their $5.4 million reserve even further.

Based on the current projections, many people have proposed that Lemon Grove should return to an unincorporated community that would become the city’s responsibility. Yet, the idea should not come as a shock to Lemon Grove locals, as the city already produces 43 percent less than cities of similar demographics. While locals will want to keep a Lemon Grove a city, their pride will not fix the monetary challenges it faces.

As the city enters into the 2020 election, it will be prudent for citizens to vote for responsible and accountable leadership. Their current Democratic leaders have only forwarded an agenda of unnecessary tax increases, suppressive regulations, and reckless government spending, which has produced their current situation. In the end, leadership choices by the citizens will ultimately decide the fate of Lemon Grove.


Photo by DonkeyHotey via Flickr