Tom Keliinoi

Tom Keliinoi is a San Diegan who ran last year for the San Diego Unified School Board of Education District B and is a member of Parents for Quality Education. Keliinoi lost to Kevin Beiser, current trustee and scandal-ridden, disgraced teacher.

Tom Keliinoi spoke out at the SDUSD Board Meeting that took place on April 9. At the protest prior to the meeting, Keliinoi said, “We need someone we can trust. The trustee should be someone we trust.” Keliinoi is someone who obviously cares about the school district and shows genuine concern for it.

Beiser is too wrapped up in his lawsuits to be focused on the large school district alone. Keliinoi has shown that he is considering running to replace Beiser. Keliinoi would be a much better fit for the position considering he has already shown concern for the district and is looking to improve schools in various ways, such as by making them safer. Change for the better must start with Beiser stepping down due to his egregious behavior.

Tom Keliinoi would clearly do a much better job, without the disgusting personal behavior exhibited repeatedly by Beiser. He would make wiser decisions, can focus more on the district, benefit the schools, and put children first.

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