San Diego Democrats Bandwagon the Fatuous Impeachment Inquiry

With the impeachment inquiry gaining steam from the far left, San Diego Democrats have now expressed their support on the matter. Why now? Because San Diego Democrats want to be a part of the national media attention revolving around the impeachment inquiry. Essentially, San Diego Democrats are only interested in increasing their political fame through expediency.

Following Speaker Pelosi’s statement with regard to the impeachment investigation, San Diego Democrats have been imploring fellow local Democrats, and even local Republicans, to support the matter. According to them, fellow officials have a constitutional duty to ensure President Trump is held accountable for his actions, which is incredibly ironic coming from a party whose main goal has been to undermine the Constitution wherever possible.

Nonetheless, despite their hypocrisy and destiny to fail, San Diego Democrats fully plan on supporting the inquiry.

Yet, one question remains: where is the evidence to support a presidential impeachment? The truth is that it does not exist. Moreover, San Diego Democrats know that as well. The complete transcripts of the phone call between the Ukrainian President and President Trump show no indication of quid pro quo or pressure of any kind on behalf of the United States. 

Furthermore, San Diego Democrats also know the likelihood of impeachment is extremely slim. In order for impeachment to be approved and remove the president from office, they would need a two-thirds majority vote from the Senate. Clearly, San Diego Democrats are endorsing the impeachment for political advancement, but also because they can sense the political winds are shifting.

They do not want to risk being left behind even at the expense of reason. Lastly, their desire for impeachment is not about accountability or upholding the Constitution, but rather to defame the president through the use of unsubstantiated accusations of corruption.

Ever since the 2016 election, Democrats have had impeachment on their minds. They have tried to associate crimes—such as the Russia collusion conspiracy, the Mueller investigation, the firing of FBI Director James Comey, and now the Ukraine saga—only to fall completely flat and further showcase their disregard for serving the American people. In the end, San Diego Democrats—and the Democratic Party as a whole—are just hurting the country by focusing on absurd agendas instead of the needs of the American people.