Democrats Fail Yet Again to Gain Trump’s Tax Returns

It is no secret that Democrats have been after President Trump since his 2016 election victory. They have accused him of everything possible, with their latest failed accusation being the Ukraine-Biden matter.

However, despite the constant complaints and lawsuits directed toward him, President Trump gained two victories this past Thursday in both California and New York—two of the most liberal states and consistent adversaries of the Trump administration.

President Trump’s first victory occurred in Sacramento where a federal judge ruled against the idea that a presidential candidate would have to turn over five years of tax returns to be eligible for California’s 2020 primaries in March. The Democrats have tried to justify their scheme by insinuating the tax returns contain crucial information about Trump’s overall business expenditures, but after this latest failure, it is clear that California Democrats are just desperate to bring down Trump and will utilize any method to do so. California will most likely appeal the ruling but will remain inactive until the October 1st written decision.

The second victory for Trump comes in a different form. Hours after the California success, Trump’s attorneys decided to sue the Manhattan District Attorney, Cyrus R. Vance Jr.

Vance has been the one leading the criminal investigation concerning settlement payments made to two women claiming to have engaged in affairs with President Trump. However, Trump’s attorneys plan to fight the subpoena based on bad faith and harassment. Rightly so, as the behavior of Vance highlights abuse of constitutional authority on his behalf.

The effort to remove Trump off the ballots is an absurd and politically-driven ploy produced by the Democrats. They are willing to forego democracy, the rule of law, checks and balances, election integrity, and any other means necessary to remove Trump from office. In the end, though, their vendetta against the President merely highlights their desperation and incompetence, which will only continue their patterns of failure.


Photo by Mike Cohen via Flickr