California Democrats Looking to Extend Medi-Cal to More Illegal Immigrants

California’s proximity to the border has made immigration a major issue to its citizens. Undocumented immigrants make up a notable portion of California’s population, siphoning off Californian tax dollars and allowing freeloading off of state amenities. When it comes to the extent of amenities provided to undocumented immigrants, lines need to be drawn—but Democratic leaders are woefully wrong on where those lines should go.

New legislation is poised to set $1 billion towards providing free healthcare for low-income undocumented immigrants over the age of 65, cramming the already exhausted Medi-Cal program and stripping away benefits from American citizens in California. 

Apart from the obvious issue of redirecting our tax dollars toward illegal immigrants, it should be considered whether expanding Medi-Cal’s reach will negatively impact the Californians our legislators are supposed to be representing. In fact, Medi-Cal already suffers from ridiculously long wait times and poor coverage for the lower-income Californians that rely on it.

Are California Democrats really willing to take away what few Medi-Cal benefits are available to their citizens to give them straight to undocumented immigrants? Unfortunately, all signs point to yes.

Rather than set billions towards fixing a broken system (or better yet, reforming it in favor of a market system in which various healthcare companies compete for consumers), Democrats in the California Legislature have prioritized the health of individuals who they don’t represent and are in the country illegally.


Photo by DonkeyHotey via Flickr