Brian Maienschein’s Vote on ACA 6 Exemplifies His Leftward Lurch

The newly minted Democrat last week voted in support of ACA 6, a measure that automatically restores voting rights for felons released on parole

(San Diego, CA) – In one of his most liberal votes since his reregistration as a Democrat in January, Assemblyman Brian Maienschein last week voted to support ACA 6 – a measure that would automatically restore the voting rights of dangerous felons before they complete court-mandated parole.

It’s not just the people of the 77th District that are experiencing the consequences of Maienschein’s switch to the Democrat party. In fact, Cal Matters mentioned his unprecedented departure from his moderate roots in their recent article on political polarization in the California State Legislature.

“If party were just a letter, one would expect Maienschein to occupy roughly the same ideological area this year as he did in the 2017 session despite his new affiliation. And while it’s hard to make direct comparisons across years, that doesn’t seem to be the case,” the Cal Matters article stated. Cal Matters data also indicated that Maienschein’s voting record this year placed him ideologically to the left of 13 Assembly Democrats.

“Assemblyman Maienschein is giving the people of San Diego political whiplash. He is a vastly different candidate than the moderate Republican that won election in 2018,” said AD77 candidate June Cutter. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to return steadfast leadership to the 77th District.”

The 77th District encompasses northern San Diego and portions of North County, including the city of Poway. It also contains the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The District’s voter registration is nearly evenly split between Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.

June Cutter is an accomplished attorney, small business owner, proud wife to a former Naval Flight Officer, and a mom to two children. June is running for Assembly to stand up to Sacramento special interests and to improve the lives of California’s hardworking middle class. To learn more about June and her campaign for Assembly, visit: