California Republican Party Convention Concludes with Enthusiasm for Future

The California Republican Party Convention came to an end today after a weekend of intensive training and listening to fantastic speakers such as San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Secretary of Energy Rick Perry, and former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

The Convention concluded with the final general session, which was attended by an eager crowd who respectfully debated on the issues that will shape the California GOP’s strategy heading into 2020. With multiple amendments being added to the CRP platform, the delegates excitedly debated and voted over several subjects.

One issue in particular that stood out was the passionate debate between California Federation of College Republicans and California College Republicans. The two groups discussed their opposing sides while remaining cordial, affirming their respective reasoning and subsequently voting on the subject at hand. The vote result allows both groups to remain equally active moving forward, utilizing their platforms that—while different in some areas—emphasize the values of the Republican Party.

This session was a perfect encapsulation of the Convention and its diverse crowd of attendees. There is certainly a lot on the line in 2020, but the California Republican Party is more than ready for everything to come.