100 Days of Failure

California Governor Gavin Newsom just completed an unimpressive first 100 days in office.

Why? His most prominent campaign talking points such as the death penalty, homelessness, and border security have either not been addressed at all or were handled dishonestly.

The death penalty moratorium passed in March 2019 has caused immense debate and dissatisfaction among Californians. Californians have voted to maintain the death penalty and the state legislature has refused to repeal it. During his campaign, Newsom indicated that he would respect the will of the voters regarding the death penalty. So much for trial by jury!

Regarding the homelessness crisis, several mayors have now banded together, forming the “Big City Mayors” coalition as a means of forcing the issue of more funding for homelessness programs. Many recall that Newsom failed to improve the homelessness crisis as San Francisco’s mayor, so the fact he is failing to attend to this issue on a state-wide scale is not at all surprising.

He also promised to pull all the troops from the border, and it resulted in only 300 leaving with no attempt to remove more according to The Times of San Diego. Perhaps even Governor Newsom can see the need for border control? The early legacy of Governor Newsom can be summarized by broken promises and repetitive dishonesty.

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