Media Corrects Low Kamala Harris Conviction Count

Kamala Harris can not seem to catch a break. After having her presidential aspirations officially ended by Tulsi Gabbard during the democratic primaries, it turns out that Gabbard’s campaign was working with the wrong numbers. They were a lot higher.

Tulsi Gabbard cited the February Report during the debate, and despite Harris’ campaign claiming it as false, journalists at the SF Chronicle chose to look into it. What they found was that Harris’ conviction rate for marijuana offenses was over 25% higher than previously expected.

Joe Garofoli, a writer for the Chronicle, said “The [Free Beacon article] cited statistics from the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation that said ‘at least 1,560 people were sent to state prisons for marijuana-related offenses between 2011 and 2016′ during the time Harris was the state AG,” also mentioning that “On Thursday, a department spokesman told the Chronicle that 1,974 people were admitted for hashish and marijuana convictions during that period.”

As of right now, the current, revised number for marijuana convictions by Kamala Harris is 1,974, but according to Free Beacon, the number might be even higher. “…The revised total from the state is likely an undercount. Under California’s public safety realignment initiative, many low-level, non-violent drug offenders would have been rerouted to state jails. This means that while they may have been prosecuted, they would not appear in state prison admissions totals.”

This just seems to be one more nail in the coffin for Kamala Harris’ campaign. Her admitting to smoking Marijuana while also being responsible for 1,964+ convictions for it has not gone over well with voters. Add this on top of her dishonesty when she claimed the February Report was fake and it seems clear why she’s only at 7%. Maybe she should start thinking about being VP for Biden. Her lies combined with his forgetfulness would make a dangerous duo.


Photo by Bill Oxford