Meeting MAT Clinics Guidelines

After multiple constituents gave their concern for more MAT (medication-assisted treatment) clinics that met community guidelines, Desmond inquired the ability to create guidelines that would promote more MATs (medication-assisted treatment clinics) and kept present MATs to meet acceptable rules and regulations. 

On Tuesday, Helen Robbins-Meyer was directed by The Board of Supervisors to establish guidelines regarding medication-assisted treatment clinics. Robbins Meyer was given 180 days to present an agreeable and legal set of guidelines for operating such MAT clinics. The reformed guidelines are said to affect MAT clinics that use methadone treatment for those recovering from opioid abuse.

However, Desmond was not the only notable Supervisor who readily promoted new MAT guidelines. Supervisor Kristin Gaspar was originally unsure of having MATs in the community. Gaspar later changed her point of view after visiting already existing MATs and witnessing first-hand, the recovering ex-drug abusers. Supervisor Nathan Fletcher also expressed his praise by stating “I’m grateful to see this board takes action,”. 

Hopefully, with the future guidelines enacted, patients suffering from drug abuse can acquire the proper treatment along with having more treatments being treated with the (hopefully) future additional MAT clinics. 


Photo by pina messina