Senator Brian Jones Hosts East County Constituents at Lakeside Town Hall

On Thursday, Senator Jones invited all of his East County constituents to his Lakeside Town Hall. This was the Senator’s fourth town hall meeting this year alone. Senator Jones gave characteristically blunt answers to questions from over 200 attendees on a wide range of issues such as his support for protecting Prop. 13 and his opposition to SB 24 which will mandate California’s public universities provide chemical abortions.

Jones’s staff also assisted dozens of constituents who needed help cutting through the state bureaucracy to solve their problems with state agencies.

“It’s an honor to represent East County residents, and the best part of my job is meeting directly with them at these town halls,” Jones said. “As a community leader for two decades here, I’m grateful for the input, questions, and concerns I hear from my East County friends and neighbors. We’ve accomplished a lot together.”

If you missed the town hall meeting but need help or have questions for Senator Jones, email or by call 619-596-3136.


Photo courtesy of the office of Senator Brian Jones