Trump, Buttigieg, and Sanders Lead in Campaign Donations from San Diegans

Presidential candidates have received a total of $1.3 million in donations from San Diego residents. The three candidates leading in revenue are President Donald Trump, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and Sen. Bernie Sanders—in that order. President Trump has raised $353,569, Buttigieg has received $222,457, and Sanders is at $151,541.

With this data comes one of the world’s greatest unsolved mysteries: how Buttigieg has raised so much money. Despite being simply a small city mayor and Democratic primary polls consistently showing him around five percent, he has raised more than every other Democratic candidate—except for Sanders. This has been happening for several months and is unlikely to change in the near future.

Perhaps the most concerning part for Democrats is the fact that neither former Vice President Joe Biden or Sen. Elizabeth Warren are atop of the fundraising chart. This could be due to Democrats simply expecting to defeat Trump, but if 2016 is any indication, that may not be a rewarding strategy.


Photo by Colin Watts