San Diego Democrats Attack Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over Two Gun Control Bills

Since the beginning of the year, tension in Congress has halted the advancement of two bills that would mandate even stricter background checks throughout the country. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has stopped both bills from being voted on within the Senate, which has been extended further due to the Senate taking a summer recess. In response to this, over 200 federal lawmakers throughout the country are condemning McConnell in the form of a letter.

The four Democratic representatives from San Diego were part of the group which sent the letter. The four were Susan Davis, Mike Levin, Scott Peters, and Juan Vargas. The letter demands that Sen. McConnell bring the Senate back into session to vote on the bills, complaining about the bias behind his actions, even though he legally has the power to do so. 

Both bills were passed through the Democratic-majority House in February, but have not made any progress in the Senate. The bills seek to ensure that unlicensed gun dealers are performing background checks on every customer and that all gun purchases have an extended waiting process of 10 days. The heightened tension also stems from the three recent mass shootings that took place in El Paso, Dayton, Gilroy.

In response to the criticism and demands, McConnell said, “Only serious, bipartisan, bicameral efforts will enable us to continue this important work and produce legislation that can pass the Senate, pass the House and earn the president’s signature. Partisan theatrics and campaign-trail rhetoric will only take us farther away from the progress all Americans deserve.”

There are legitimate concerns about the legislation being forwarded by congressional Democrats. A universal background check system would establish a de facto gun registry, which could later be used for malicious means. As much as one would like to show good faith, Democrats have made it clear that they have no respect for the Second Amendment rights of Americans. The 10 day waiting period is unnecessary as there is no evidence that it will prevent shootings, although it may prevent prospective gun owners from protecting their families.

Republicans are working diligently to balance concerns regarding gun violence and the Second Amendment, which is vital to American society and the right of the individual to self-preservation. While Republicans are committed to protecting the rights of Americans, Democrats choose to incessantly engage in partisan politics.


Photo by Specna Arms