San Diego Democrats to Women Candidates: Thanks But No Thanks

Assemblyman Todd Gloria received the Democrat Party endorsement yesterday while he is facing a lawsuit regarding his fundraising for two different offices. This came after the San Diego County Democrat Party  disregarded the lawsuit referring to it as “baseless allegations.”

The Democrat Party picked a male candidate who is facing serious allegations concerning apparent ethical dilemmas just because they believe he can win. The SDCDP prides themselves as “progressives” but continue to show themselves to pick men over women because they believe their male candidates to have more of a chance of winning.

Councilwoman Barabara Bry is a respected member of the community who isn’t facing any ethical dilemmas toward her campaign, and they decided against her. The SDCDP has overlooked her for her male counterpart, Todd Gloria. Councilwoman Bry called out Assemblyman Gloria during the recent mayoral debates by saying, “Mr. Gloria, I want to know what office you are running for.” This was met with total silence on Gloria’s part as he had no response.

San Diego Democrats have a history of dismissing female candidates for male ones, as they did with the 77th District candidate Sunday Gover whom they backed and considered a better candidate than Brian Maienschien. Then all of a sudden in the upcoming 2020 election the San Diego Democrats decided they were wrong and now have supported the turncoat Brian Maienschien for he is a white male who shows he can win.

For a group who consistently promotes how progressive they are, to keep picking men over women in elections, it is contradictory. They are the type of politician to say one thing and then do another.

They have decided that winning is more important than the ideals held by the party which are clearly stated in the California Democrat Party platform which says, “Recognize the decline in the number of Democratic Women serving in elected office, particularly women from ethnic minority, LGBTQ, and disability communities, and promote and emphasize the need for equal representation in public office from local levels to the highest state and federal levels.”

San Diego Democrats have blatantly ignored their fundamental ideals of promoting women in politic by continually giving their endorsement to male candidates over female candidates even when the male candidates are facing severe ethical and illegal allegations.


Photo by Katherine Hanlon