Lemon Grove Tries to Hike Taxes on Residents

Lemon Grove is looking to price out their current residences with a tax hike. The Mayor of Lemon Grove Racquel Vasquez is turning to the citizens to save the City from her mismanagement. 

Lemon Grove is facing disincorporation because of poor financial management from the Democrat leadership. Mayor Vasquez went into office preaching that she could fix the structural deficit that has plagued the city for years, only to show she is not able to and must now rely on the citizen’s checkbooks to fix her problems.

With Racquel Vasquez believing the City is on the verge of disincorporation and in dire need of this new tax, she could rush it through the City Council, but even the City Council does not agree with the measure. In fact, City Councilmen Jerry Jones and Matt Mendoza voted no in 2018 on a tax increase. So now she chooses to go through the citizen’s vote to pass her already failed tax measure.

By going the elongated route, Mayor Vasquez has shown her inability to lead and tried to place the blame on others. Vasquez has shown herself to be no different than the other Democratic leaders in that she sought a position for glory, but when actual problems and work are presented to her, she chooses to place the burden on others. 

When a city is facing a deficit each year, the solution ought to be to cut expenses and to fix the pre-existing problems to prevent an even worse financial crisis. Mayor Vasquez, however, picked a route that spends tax dollars recklessly. So when all the financial mismanagement catches up, the citizen’s checkbooks will be called on to fix it.

The tax hike is looking to raise the sales tax and is predicted to bring in around $3 million. The hike is set to increase the already high cost of living plaguing the citizens of California under Democrat leadership and make it even higher.


Photo by GotCredit via Flickr