As a Supervisor for District 3 of San Diego County, Terra Lawson-Remer earns $278,000 per year. As of September 2024, the median salary in San Diego County is $73,080. Lawson-Remer earns 3.8 times the salary of her citizens. Yet she has the worst attendance record of any San Diego County politician.
San Diegans grapple everyday with the crushing rise in grocery, housing and energy prices. Workers must work harder and longer than ever before just to make ends meet. California’s ever increasing tax rates eat into every citizen’s take-home pay, food budgets, and transportation costs. Unfortunately, some politicians, like Terra Lawson-Remer, disrespect the sacrifice of San Diego’s working class by using their taxpayer funded salary to live luxuriously while not showing up for work.
Terra Lawson-Remer exemplifies that sort of privileged politician. According to San Diego Signal News, Lawson-Remer missed a staggering 74% of her committee and subcommittee votes since she was elected. Shockingly, Terra Lawson-Remer failed to show up for any of the required meetings of the San Diego Regional Task Force on Homelessness, where she was appointed as Vice Chair. On May 22, 2024, that Task Force reported 10,605 homeless residents sleeping in shelters or outdoors, marking a 3 percent year over year spike in San Diego County’s homeless population.
San Diego County faces cascading crises like homelessness, water pollution and dramatically increased costs of living. Judging by Terra Lawson-Remer’s abysmal attendance record, she doesn’t care about helping San Diegans. Voters trusted her to solve the county’s problems, but, like many career politicians, Terra Lawson-Remer put her own power and wealth first.
Any self-respecting San Diegan that makes a public salary of $278,000 per year should be rightfully expected to show up for work more than half the time. Instead, Lawson-Remer spent her time and money buying two houses worth at least $1.4 million in 2021. As of June 2024, she’s missed every 2023/24 meeting of the SANDAG Regional Planning Committee, San Diego Air Pollution Control District Board, San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Fuel Removal Committee and the North San Diego County Transit Development Board.
San Diegans deserve better than a part-time supervisor.
In stark contrast, as Mayor, Kevin Faulconer got the job done. Homelessness decreased during Faulconer’s tenure. He worked with respected local groups like Father Joe’s Village to build community stakeholders. Faulconer will take his problem-solving skills and common-sense solutions to the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. San Diegans know Mayor Faulconer shows up to work and keeps his promises. Based on his accomplishments, Kevin Faulconer should lead District 3 as the next Supervisor of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors.