Supervisor Jim Desmond on Today’s No Vote Against Searching for a Long-Term Migrant Shelter in San Diego County

The current situation at our border is dire, but it is imperative that we do not enable a flawed system. As a nation, we have established processes for seeking asylum and legally entering the United States. However, these processes are being circumvented, leading to an unsustainable influx of migrants.


It is not acceptable to simply accommodate the overflow of individuals crossing the border unlawfully. By doing so, we perpetuate a cycle of dysfunction within the immigration system. It is the responsibility of the federal government to enforce existing laws and procedures rather than expecting local communities to bear the burden of their shortcomings.


San Diego’s existing migrant resources are far beyond capacity. Instead of focusing on the safety and welfare of San Diegans, we are spending time and resources on migrant street releases caused by federal negligence.


I refuse to endorse the establishment of additional shelters as a band-aid solution to a much deeper problem. Instead, I urge the President and our Congressional delegation to prioritize comprehensive immigration reform to address the root causes of this crisis.