Harmeet Dhillon Speaks in Front of Record Attendance for the Republican Party of San Diego County Central Committee Meeting

On Monday, Harmeet Dhillon spoke at the bi-monthly Central Committee Meeting for the Republican Party of San Diego County. Dhillon is the attorney leading the fight against Governor Newsom and his lackeys in Sacramento and their unconstitutional law SB 27, which would take President Trump off the ballot.

The Republican Party of San Diego County received a record attendance yesterday with Dhillon as the keynote speaker, leading the fight for President Trump here in California. Over 900 people came to hear Harmeet Dhillon’s message of fighting the corruption in Sacramento and the violence facing conservatives around the country.

When asked for her thoughts on SB 27, Harmeet Dhillon stated, “It is a state’s duty to have a fair and equal election, and this bill is set out to do the opposite of that.”

Harmeet Dhillon has led the fight against ANTIFA, an extremist militant group, by representing Andy Ngo, the man who was ruthlessly attacked by the organization. With her work on PUBLIUS LEX, she has taken up the call to fight SB 27 and other leftist initiatives that seek to subjugate conservatives.

When asked about the attack on Andy Ngo, Dhillon stated, “Andy Ngo is a citizen who was attacked by an armed militant group who attack the innocent for having different ideologies, and he should be represented vigorously in court because our first right is the right to freedom of speech.”

Harmeet Kaur Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer and passionate advocate for her legal clients. Dhillon was named one of the top 100 Attorneys in California by the Daily Journal legal newspaper and recognized as Republican lawyer of the year by the Republican National Lawyers Association in 2018.

Dhillon is a voice for many in California who are drowned out by Democrats and their incessant desire to put politics before people. Harmeet Dhillon is leading the fight against the rogue leftism facing our country.