SB 1 and Democrat Pettiness may Backfire for Democrats in 2020

Democrats in California have been busy adding a whole new definition to #NotMyPresident. This time, SB 1, promoted by Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins, would essentially enforce state regulation of any federal protection that President Trump plans to remove.

The bill is a petty act of revenge against David Bernhardt, President Trump’s Interior secretary, who advocates for loosening the Endangered Species Act to provide more water to farmers in the Valley. In fact, the legislation only worsens the water issue in California, posing a risk to the water supply, as water district managers have explained.

Ironically, even moderate Democrats oppose the bill as they have strong agricultural business interests. The California Chamber of Commerce has stated its firm opposition to SB 1 because not only would the legislation devastate the job market, but also generates careless regulations without the necessary analysis. The California Building Industry Association has also expressed that the bill would cause issues for homebuilders in the long run.

Of course, Republican opposition is equally strong against Democratic plans to put it through Legislature before mid-September. But with the Democrat supermajority, it is not a long shot to pass the legislation. While Governor Newsom has yet to comment, he would probably sign the bill into law. To him, it’s just another battle in his shameful and counterproductive fight against Trump and federal law.

The Republican Party is determined to stop this bill from reaching Newsom’s desk. But even if it does, there is a silver lining: by effectively killing the businesses that fund their campaigns, Democrats are more vulnerable than ever to their Republican challengers in 2020.


Photo by Joao Marcelo Marques