By Russ Hall

Chula Vista – On November 7, 2023 a press conference was held on the steps of City Hall in order to address the crisis of confidence created by the recent criminal indictments of Councilmember Andrea Cardenas and the potential legal jeopardy the City may face if Member Cardendas continues to hold her District Four council seat.

The press conference was lead by longtime Chula Vista community and civic affairs community activist0 members Russ Hall, Jesse Navarro and John Acosta.  The following points are a review of the main points of the discussion with local San Diego media members and the public in general that attended:

  1. The voters and taxpayers of Chula Vista demand the immediate resignation of Member Cardenas.  The charges coming from the District Attorney are serious felonies that not only cause unnecessary and unwanted distraction from doing the business of the people of Chula Vista, most importantly the TRUST that our leaders must maintain at all times has now been broken.  This current crisis has a negative effect on the entire City Council.  As long as  Member Cardenas remains on the Council, clouds of doubt will follow every Council action from this point forward.   The opportunity to serve one’s community is a privilege not a right.  Member Cardenas can not effectively serve District Four and the City until the clouds of doubt and wrong doing are adjudicated.  By stepping aside Member Cardenas will provide great relief to this City.  If Member Cardenas is cleared of the alleged crimes she can always run again for office.
  2. The City Attorney must be directed to conduct a thorough investigation and review of all votes and actions that Member Cardenas has taken to determine if there are any other legal jeopardies that the City may face due to any and all conflicts of interest or any other legal issues associated with the criminal allegations  surrounding this crisis.  The City Attorney shall conduct this investigation with complete public transparency to the greatest extent possible in a report back to the Council within the next 30 days. The potential for other legal jeopardy and exposure to the City because of this crisis can not be understated and needs to be thoroughly examined and investgigated.
  3. We call on the0 Mayor, City Council and City Attorney candidates Meisfeld and Verdugo to adopt and support the creation of a PUBLIC INTEGRITY UNIT to be established in the office of the City Attorney no later than December 31,2024.  There have been far too many violations of public trust by individuals in City office and running for office ranging from overt Brown Act violations,  campaign finance issues, residency issues just to name a few.  The PIU will have complete investigative authority and all necessary legal tools of investigation and enforcement.
  4. The Mayor and City Council must make as a top issue  the priority to form a seven member citizen committee tasked with the complete overhaul of all city codes and ordinances related to city campaigns and candidates.  The entire system of law and regulation is outdated, ambiguous, and lacks any viable means of enforcement.  In essence, the codes and ordinances are based on an honor system that no longer is followed by the current generation of those seeking public office.  This citizens committee should not be back loaded with those who have political ties to the Council.
  5. We call on current City Attorney staff and City staff in general that may know of other details of wrong doing or intentional lack of enforcement concerning Member Cardenas or any other Council member  by the previous City Attorney, Glen Googins, to come forward.  We call on the District Attorney to privately meet with all City Attorney staff to allow them the opportunity to reveal what they may know as wrong doing with the appropriate whistleblower protections.
  6.  If Member Cardenas refuses to resign we ask in the strongest terms possible that the Mayor and Council immediately move to censure Cardenas and remove her from all committees and assignments that represent the people and Council of Chula Vista.  This city can ill afford to have a compromised representative.  The ramifications and effects by the continuation of Member Cardenas sends a very negative signal to the region and any prospective business attraction efforts that are crucial for future economic viability of Chula Vista.

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