The Building Industry Association of San Diego Endorses Former Mayor Kevin Faulconer for County Supervisor

Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, candidate for San Diego County Supervisor, announced the backing of the Building Industry Association of San Diego. The latest endorsement continues to build momentum for Faulconer’s campaign as he seeks to represent the residents of the third district.

The Building Industry Association (BIA) of San Diego has been the region’s leading voice of residential development for more than 85 years. The BIA is an inclusive member-driven non-profit advocating for housing at all levels and the people and families who need a place to call home. They support pro-housing policies, quality jobs, and help to establish strong communities throughout the region.

“Kevin Faulconer is our choice for Supervisor,” said Lori Holt Pfeiler, President and CEO of BIA San Diego. “Kevin has a clear record of results as Mayor, is the best choice for Supervisor in District 3, and will bring common-sense policies to the benefit of all communities in San Diego. We trust he has what it takes to bring our region to the next level as we seek to build strong flourishing communities.”

“I’m honored to be receiving the endorsement of the Building Industry Association of San Diego” said Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer. “When I was Mayor, our goal was to listen to our communities and work across the aisle to put policies in place that helped support local jobs and local businesses. We put together common-sense housing policies that helped create more development throughout San Diego in areas that sought that development. I’ll bring this experience and solutions driven thinking to the county as Supervisor.”

As Mayor of San Diego, Faulconer revised the city’s approach to housing regulation, treating housing as “essential” while making it faster and easier to build in areas across the City that wanted new housing and adopting reforms that cut unnecessary barriers that stood in the way of progress. Under his leadership, the City removed expensive parking minimums and increased citywide housing capacity by 100,000 units after completing 16 community plan updates – more than any administration in City history.

Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer is a proven leader with a proven record working to enact common sense solutions to solve some of the region’s most significant issues, including housing, homelessness, and public safety.