Inflation Surge Strains Californian Families: A $13,282 Annual Increase

Californian families are facing a substantial financial burden due to rising inflation, with an additional average annual expense of $13,282 since January 2021. This increase translates into a significant monthly cost of approximately $1,107 for households across the state.

The escalating costs have led to a shift in public opinion, with many voters expressing disapproval of the economic policies under the Biden administration. This discontent is reflected in national polls, which indicate a growing preference for a Republican-led Congress as opposed to the current Democrat-controlled one, particularly due to concerns over economic management.

This period of heightened inflation, often labeled ‘Bidenflation’, highlights a broader issue with the current federal economic policies. These strategies are being criticized for their impact on the cost of living, affecting the standard of living for families throughout California.

As households in California continue to grapple with these economic challenges, the focus intensifies on the role of policymakers in addressing the inflation crisis. The financial burden, amounting to $13,282 per family, has become a critical concern, underscoring the tangible effects of policy decisions on the daily lives of Californians.

The $13,282 per family burden of Bidenomics

$13,282 annually — that’s how much Biden inflation costs the average California family since January 2021, CBS News reported. Bidenflation adds up to an ongoing extra $1,107 monthly cost per California household.

No wonder national polls show voters deeply disapprove of Biden and extreme Democrats on the economy, and prefer a Republican-led Congress to a Democrat-controlled one.

“Californians suffer busted budgets and a worse standard of living because Mike Levin rubber-stamps these extreme policies.” – NRCC Spokesperson Ben Petersen

Ben Petersen
Western Press Secretary

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