Supervisor Jim Desmond Stands Firm Against Democrat-Proposed Income-Based Electricity Billing

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond has voiced strong opposition to the California Public Utilities Commission’s proposed fixed-rate electricity billing plan, which would set charges based on household income. This approach, he contends, unfairly penalizes the middle class and those on fixed incomes.

The plan, as detailed in the Commission’s recent public meeting, would establish monthly charges of $34 for households earning between $28,000 and $69,000, $73 for those with incomes from $69,000 to $180,000, and $128 for incomes above $180,000. With this model, a median-income household in San Diego could pay a fixed $876 per year, regardless of electricity usage.

Desmond points out that such a plan could strain San Diego residents already facing economic pressures from rising inflation. He emphasizes that this rate structure fails to consider actual energy consumption or investments in renewable energy solutions like residential solar power.

In light of these concerns, Desmond is urging the public to attend a Virtual Public Forum on November 20th to express their viewpoints. He provides participation details, noting the importance of community involvement in these discussions.

The Supervisor’s stance reflects a broader critique of what he perceives as the current Democrat policy direction, suggesting that such policies could have detrimental effects on San Diego’s economy.

Desmond calls for collective action to prevent the adoption of the fixed-rate billing plan, inviting community members to join the forum and make their opposition heard.

The Plan to Charge San Diegans Based on Their Income

Earlier today, I had the opportunity to participate in the California Public Utilities Commission public meeting regarding the proposed new fixed-rate electricity plan. This proposal has sparked significant concerns, particularly for the residents of San Diego. If you’re unfamiliar with this plan, let me provide a breakdown of its essential components and the potential implications it holds for our community.

The proposed fixed-rate bill fundamentally operates on an income-based charging model, where the more one earns, the higher the flat-rate electricity charges. This scheme would impose fixed monthly charges based on your income before a single kilowatt-hour is used.

Here’s a breakdown of what this could mean for San Diegans:

  • Households earning between $28,000 to $69,000 would face a monthly charge of $34.
  • Those with incomes ranging from $69,000 to $180,000 would see a monthly charge of $73.
  • Households earning above $180,000 would encounter a monthly charge of $128.

Median-income households in San Diego would end up paying $876 annually for electricity, irrespective of their actual consumption. It’s also ridiculous that individuals who have invested in residential solar won’t be exempt from these fixed charges.

This plan disproportionately affects the middle class, which is the backbone of our local economy. At a time when inflation is at an all-time high, it will hurt many San Diegans, especially seniors on fixed incomes.

I will do all I can to stop this plan, but it will take everyone speaking out!

There is another vital opportunity to voice your concerns and stand against this proposed plan. On November 20th, there will be a Virtual Public Forum where you can participate.

If you wish to make a comment during the forum, please refer to the phone-in information provided below.

Phone: 1-800-857-1917, passcode: 6032788#

Participants who join via phone will have access to audio and the opportunity to make comments. To contribute a comment, after entering the passcode, when prompted, press *1, unmute your phone, and record your name. Please note that during high call volumes, there might be longer wait times, and the operator will call on you when it’s your turn to speak.

Participation and voice in these forums are crucial to ensure your concerns are heard and considered. Let us unite to oppose this unjust proposal and advocate for fair utility billing practices in our community.

San Diego County District 5 Supervisor Jim Desmond

Image Credit: Canva