San Diego County Medical Society Endorses Andrew Hayes in AD-75

SDCMS serves as the San Diego component of the California Medical Association
San Diego, CA – The San Diego County Medical Society (SDCMS) today announced their endorsement of Lakeside School Board President Andrew Hayes in California’s 75th Assembly District.

SDCMS, the San Diego component of the California Medical Association, works to promote quality patient care, improve public health, and support medical professionals.

“San Diego County Medical Society is proud to endorse Andrew Hayes for Assembly,” said Dr. Bob Hertzka, Chair of SDCMS Legislative Committee and Past President. “We need leaders who will fight to improve care for Californians and support the physicians who work hard to deliver that care, and we know Andrew Hayes will join us in putting patients first.”

“It’s no secret that life has gotten a lot more expensive for local families, especially with regard to medical care,” said Hayes. “I’ll always fight to make sure hardworking Californians have access to quality care for themselves and their families, and I am proud to have the support of the SDCMS.”

For more information about Andrew Hayes and his campaign, please visit