Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of San Diego Endorses Former Mayor Kevin Faulconer for San Diego County Supervisor

SAN DIEGO, CA — Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, candidate for San Diego County Supervisor, announced the backing of the Associated Builders and Contractors of San Diego.

The Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) of San Diego is a national construction industry trade association representing more than 21,000 members, working for the betterment of the communities in which they work. The endorsement of this important organization comes a few months after former San Diego Mayor Faulconer entered the race for County Supervisor in the third district.

“Kevin Faulconer is our choice to help bring common sense to San Diego,” said Shandon Harbour, President, and CEO of ABC San Diego. “Kevin brings a solid record as Mayor, working to make it faster and easier to build in San Diego. We can trust that he’ll work to streamline the over-regulated environment at the County that has been cumbersome for job creators. Kevin understands that successful small businesses are critical to a prosperous workforce and in turn a prosperous San Diego County.”

“I’m honored to be receiving the endorsement of Associated Builders and Contractors of San Diego,” said Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer. “When I was Mayor, our goal was increasing the housing production across the city, and that meant working closely with the City Council to focus on cutting red tape and removing the barriers that prevented us from reaching our goals. As County Supervisor, you can count on me being a champion for small businesses and supporting the building of more middle-class housing options in county communities that want additional inventory.”

As Mayor of San Diego, Faulconer changed the city’s entire approach to housing regulation, treating housing as “essential” while making it faster and easier to build across the city and adopting reforms that cut unnecessary barriers that stood in the way of progress. Under his leadership, the City removed expensive parking minimums and increased citywide housing capacity by 100,000 units after completing 16 community plan updates – more than any administration in City history.

Former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer is a strong leader with a proven record working to enact common sense solutions to solve some of the region’s most significant issues, including affordable housing, homelessness, and public safety.