El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells Speaks Out Against New Law Giving Free In-State Tuition to People from Mexico

El Cajon — On Friday, Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill that permits individuals from Mexico to receive free in-state tuition in California. Virtue signaling like this is only made so much more ridiculous by how incredibly difficult the real problems are in our region. American students across the nation are grappling with exorbitant college debt burdens. Allowing Mexican students to pay reduced in-state tuition is a disservice to the millions of American students facing this financial challenge.

This is emblematic of a growing pattern in our county, state, and country, where the needs of U.S. citizens are being disregarded. San Diego County allocates resources to provide attorneys for undocumented immigrants in their immigration cases, alongside a $3 million expenditure on migrant services. Meanwhile, the state of California extends in-state tuition benefits to individuals from Mexico. At the federal level, billions of dollars are directed to foreign countries like Ukraine and Iran. All while Americans see inflation at record levels.

The message is abundantly clear to all Americans: many politicians seem to be out of touch with the people they represent. There is an alarming trend in our county, state, and country to overlook the pressing needs of Americans while allocating taxpayer dollars to issues beyond our borders.

It is time to elect leaders who will prioritize the needs of American citizens and work towards improving their lives.