CA-RNHA State Convention 2023: A Professional Gathering

The California chapter of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly (CA-RNHA) is set to host its inaugural state convention at 4041 Harney St, San Diego, CA 92110. This event marks a significant milestone following the chapter’s relaunch in 2021 under the leadership of State Chairman Marmolejo and his board.

Attendees of the convention, encompassing both members and guests, will have an opportunity to review and discuss the achievements and challenges of CA-RNHA over the past two years. Each participant will receive a CA-RNHA bag containing a convention badge and a 2023-2024 CARNHA Tool Kit, indicating an emphasis on preparation and readiness for the upcoming political season.

The convention aims to foster a professional atmosphere conducive to networking and collaborative discussions. To this end, an open cash bar and an appetizer buffet will be available to attendees, ensuring a comfortable and engaging environment.

Spaces for the event are limited, underscoring the need for interested individuals to secure their tickets promptly. This convention is a crucial platform for members and guests to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding the increased participation of Hispanic-Americans in electoral politics and the Republican Party.

The CA-RNHA State Convention 2023 promises to be a pivotal event for members, guests, and the broader Hispanic-American community engaged in Republican politics. It serves as both a reflection of the chapter’s progress and a forum for strategizing and aligning on future objectives and initiatives. Interested parties are encouraged to secure their attendance promptly to be part of this significant gathering.

Image Credit: Canva