California Senate Republicans Urge Governor to Convene Special Session to Suspend Gas Tax

Skyrocketing Gas Prices Hurting California Motorists

SACRAMENTO – With California drivers paying nearly $7.00 for a gallon of regular gas, which is at least $2.00 more compared to other states, Senate Republicans are stepping up efforts to call on Governor Newsom to do the right thing and suspend the state’s gas tax and fees immediately, with a special session. Click here to read the entire letter.


Below are excerpts from today’s letter to the governor:


…  We ask you to call a special session of the Legislature to temporarily suspend the state’s gas tax. Californians are paying $0.58 per gallon to the state. Immediate relief is needed. …


… In December 2022, you convened a special session of the Legislature and unveiled a proposed penalty on oil production. With prices again near record highs, Californians are rightfully upset as current policies are not working. ….


“Suspending the gas tax has bipartisan support across the country,” said Senate Minority Leader Brian Jones (R-San Diego). “Several Democrat and Republican states have suspended their gas taxes. Even President Biden supports this solution to reduce the pain at the pump. We are behind the nation in bringing gas price relief to overly taxed Californians.”


Earlier this month, Senator Janet Nguyen (R-Huntington Beach) pushed for an amendment to suspend the state’s gas taxes and fees for one year, which would have lowered gas prices by $1 per gallon. Senate Democrats rejected the proposal without even consideration for a debate.


Click here to watch Senator Nguyen’s floor remarks as she advocated for lower gas prices.